Poly-Alpha Cipher
The poly-alphabetic cipher is a category of encryption methods that use multiple substitution alphabets to encrypt a message, making it more secure than simple substitution ciphers. Here's how it works: Instead of using a single fixed alphabet to replace each letter in the plaintext, poly-alphabetic ciphers employ several different alphabets. These alphabets are typically used in a predetermined sequence or based on a key. As you encrypt the message, you switch between these different alphabets for each letter or group of letters. This variation means that the same letter in the plaintext can be encoded as different letters in the ciphertext, depending on its position or the current alphabet in use. This feature significantly reduces the effectiveness of frequency analysis attacks, which rely on the consistent replacement of letters. The Vigenère cipher is a well-known example of a poly-alphabetic cipher, but there are others like the Alberti cipher and the Trithemius cipher. While more secure than mono-alphabetic ciphers, poly-alphabetic ciphers can still be vulnerable to cryptanalysis, especially if the pattern of alphabet switching is discovered or if the message is long enough for statistical patterns to emerge.
Time Complexity
Best CaseO(n)
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Encode your message using the Poly-Alpha cipher