
One-Time Pad Cipher

The One-Time Pad (OTP) cipher is a theoretically unbreakable encryption method when used correctly. Here's how it works: The OTP uses a random key that's the same length as the message being encrypted. Each bit or character of the plaintext is combined with the corresponding bit or character from the key using a simple operation, typically XOR for binary data or modular addition for text. The resulting ciphertext is effectively random and reveals no information about the original message without the key. To decrypt, the recipient applies the same key to the ciphertext, reversing the process. The crucial aspects of OTP are: the key must be truly random, as long as the message, used only once, and kept completely secret. When these conditions are met, it's impossible to crack the cipher through cryptanalysis, as every possible plaintext is equally likely. However, the main challenge of OTP lies in securely distributing and managing the large, one-use keys. This practical limitation restricts its use to scenarios where utmost security is required and secure key exchange is feasible, such as in some diplomatic or military communications.

Time Complexity

Best CaseO(n)

Average CaseO(n)

Worst CaseO(n)



Encode your message using the One-Time Pad cipher